

The Wisconsin Rapids Ducks Unlimited Chapter 23 is proud to have been holding fundraisers and dinners since 1968.  The funds generated have been used for wetlands conservation and restoration in Wisconsin, nationally, and internationally.  None of which would be possible without the help and support of you!  Therefore, DU Chapter 23 and our entire committee would like to THANK YOU for your dedication and support. 

Our chapter hosts its annual fundraising banquet each March, in Wisconsin Rapids, that draws in excess of 300 attendees.

Our Chapter is always seeking additional Committee members to aide in running our local chapter and putting together our annual fundraising banquet.  If you are interested in joining the committee contact Dustin Cook at 715-213-0520

WR Ducks Current Committee Members

Dustan Cook

Committee Chair

Dan Fara

Membership Chair

Jim Fisher

Button Chair

Shane Ironside

Firearms Chair

Tim Ward

Money Bags

Phil Lepinski

Advertising Chair

Mark Umnus

Raffle Chair

Nathan Schill

Silent Auction Chair

Phil Bickelhaupt

Webmaster and Tech Support